Does everyone need to update? October 04, 2022 16:21 Yes! In order to improve the user experience, Canasta Junction code has been rewritten from scratch. We also upgraded our servers, so connectivity for Live Play users has also improved. As a result, players still using older versions will not be able to play live with users playing on Version 4.0 or later. Live Play servers will only support older app version players until November 1, 2022 Update to the latest CJ version now! Here is how: If you are on an iPad or iPhone, click here to visit the app store and update. Mac and Windows PC users should uninstall the old CJ version (here is how). Then, just click here to play (add this link to your bookmark list/favorites, or just click on the "Play on Computer" in our homepage. Related articles How much is the Live Play subscription? I had CJ license for Mac/Windows. Do I still need a Live Play subscription? Once I subscribed, can I cancel? May I share my subscription with Family Sharing? When will the transition happen?