Recover Username / Reset Password November 29, 2022 21:17 Updated If you can't remember your Username or Password: Click on Forgot Password? Enter the email address provided when you created your CJ account. The email is also case sensitive! Click on Yes An Email Sent popup will be displayed, meaning your request was successful. In a few minutes you will receive an email from Canasta Junction with instructions for reseting your Password. If you can't find it, please check your spam folder. If you see an Error Occurred popup instead, CJ was unable to find your email in our database. Possible solutions: You may have used a different email address when you created your account. Try a different one Don't forget email addresses in our databases are also case sensitive! Try a variation of your email address (all letters in lowercase, all in uppercase or just the first letter in uppercase) Forgot Username The email message received includes the [Username] associated with your email address. If you remember your Password, you don't need to reset it! Just go back to Canasta Junction and log in. Need to Reset Password Click on the long link in the instructions email. Your browser will open a webpage Reset Your Password for Canasta. Enter a new Password and click Change Password. Don't forget your username and Password are case sensitive! Store them in a safe place. Related articles Changing my CJ username Do I need to register to be able to play? How Do I Check My Subscription Status? I updated CJ on my iPhone but can't play on my iPad Live Play Subscription